Text reads "Crip bed for a fairy princess."

Crip Bed For A Fairy Princess is a zine and a performance installation by multidisciplinary artist Cynthia Florek. Borne out of a pain flare during a residency at Critical Path (2022) where Florek was away from the safety and comfort of their bed, Crip Bed For A Fairy Princess began as a makeshift solution to unmet access needs.

Struggling through cold sweats on a hot summer day atop green foam sports mats set up to create comfort amidst discomfort, messages were sent to the work group chat, heat packs brought downstairs, sandwiches bought and fed to an artist immobilised by pain (one should never take their pain meds on an empty stomach!), the crip bed strayed from its path.

Access needs normalised and not condescended, a young brown femme being sick and taking up space. A makeshift bed in a studio draped in iridescent fabric, pillows adorned with bright prints, a crip dressed in dreamy threads...

This iteration of Crip Bed For A Fairy Princess emerges after a period of shifting tectonics.